NOW ON-LINE!! The Real Story of How the Clever Little Clock Works
Ultra Signature Version of the Clever Little Clock, $299. More air, more detail, more bass and more dynamics and microdynamics. Includes very long lasting, user-replaceable batteries.

Ultra Signature Version of the Clever Little Clock
All Clever Little Clocks covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee.
"The clocks are more than clever - they're mind-boggling!"
"Well, the Machina Dynamica li'l clock performs as described,
and this is in a $500K + system! Even the sound through my
Stax speakerphones is improved! Well done, ladies and gentlemen!!"
See More Customer Comments for Clever Little Clock
New!! Ultra Signature Version of the Clever Little Clock, $299
Clever Little Clock Gets Brutus Award 2006 from Positive Feedback Online
"The Clock can not make up for a bad recording, but the distortion was lessened to such a degree that the bad recordings actually sounded good." - Positive Feedback Online Brutus Awards, Dec 2006
"A Tweak Too Far" by James Saxon, Soundstage A/V, August 2006, in which the Clever Little Clock makes the scene
Clever Little Clock Review by Dave & Carol Clark, Positive Feedback Online
Machina Dynamica's Clever Little Clock is an advanced audio device originally released in 2005. The new Ultra Signature version of the clock is considerably more powerful than the original Clever Little Clock. Additional clocks in the room will improve upon the effects of a single clock.
The Clever Little Clock is a battery-powered travel clock that's been modified using a number of highly specialized techniques. The Clever Little Clock does not plug into the wall and has no influence on house wiring, audio components, cables, interconnects, power cords or acoustic waves in the room. Yet the Clever Little Clock has a pronounced affect on the sound in the room. In addition, the picture quality any video system will be improved - the video picture will be clearer, with better color saturation and contrast, with blacker blacks, more realistic skin tone and fabric texture, etc.
Place the clock anywhere in your listening room. You will hear less distortion, more information, a deeper, more coherent soundstage and more air. One or more additional Clever Little Clocks will further improve the sound. The Clever Little Clock provides excellent results for the car's stereo/FM radio system.
The Clever Little Clock is pre-set by Machina Dynamica and should NOT be re-set or adjusted in any way.
For A/B comparisons, i.e., to evaluate the sound without the Clock, place the Clock outside the house structure, for example on the front steps. Listen to some favorite recordings while the clock is outside the house, then return the clock to the listening room and listen again.