Teleportation Tweak Customer Comments

NEW!! "Geoff, I have the better part of an hour determining the efficacy of the Teleportation Tweak, may I claim it has exceeded all my expectations? This from a violin instructor. My initial evaluation of the Teleportation Tweak is that any bass boom that had existed is totally gone. I must admit this is the best tweak I have ever attempted." - Singapore, June 2011 (distance 9660 miles or 15500 kilometers)
NEW!! "Improvement in sound, particularly on TV played through stereo. Thanks." - Oct 2010
NEW!! "Okay. There is some kind of major difference in the sound. I just listened to a (to me) very familiar recording, of a live concert that features a sustained passage of clapping, which had before always had that "audience-blur" sound to it, and which now comes through as a room filled with people enthusiastically and separately clapping. It's not subtle. Otherwise, I am noticing that I am less aware of the speakers as separate origin points -- the sound is more in the room. And that sound seems, well, cleaner: overall, there is feeling of the music being made of individual instruments, but the integration between them, not muddled at all, seems more whole and complete. And voices are pushing through in some different way.
Weird. What the hell? Is this, um, real?
(Later) There seems to be much more to it than what I've reported. On one recording (Explosions in the Sky), I notice less bass in certain areas, and yet the bass now seems more correct, in some way. It's lovely.
Higher frequencies are sharper, though without that sharpness impinging painfully on the ear. I'm listening at higher volumes right now, and the sound is more comfortable than it has, at these levels, been in the past.
This is truly weird." - May 2010
NEW!! "How in the world does this work, but I have clearer sound and better imaging. You have to try it to believe it!!!!!" - April 2010
NEW!! "Amazing!" - Mike G., Stereo Times, April 2010
NEW!! "Geoff......... Noticed the difference right away. Makes me want to blow off work and and lounge around all day. Thanx again." - Feb 2010
NEW!! "Well Geoff, I haven't been able to listen to but a couple of discs but I must concur with the other reviewers. Their descriptions really say what I've experienced so far. I sat and listened attentively to two discs I'm very familiar with that have female vocals, Norah Jones and Roseanne Cash, and there were definitely marked improvements especially in the presence and detail. These are sonically good recordings to start with so my next experiment will be with one that's not so good. Don't mean to bore you but my set-up is no slouch. But It's probably really the lower end of hi-end. Marantz universal player into Mu-Fi trivista dac to a Mcintosh A/V processor (which has very good pure stereo mode for two channel) Mac 6 chnl amp for center and surrounds and a Krell for the fronts. Analisys plus dig cbl and interconnects, older Audioquest crystal+ speaker cables, B&W 685 front speakers, which sound very good considering they're the third step down for me from 803d's to 703's and now to these. All and all a very pleasing set-up to me. And now it sounds better than ever. Don't know if it's me or the system but who cares? I really and truly listened with an open mind." - November 2009
NEW!! "The Machina Dynamica Teleportation Tweak works! All I can say is that it increased detail, definition and focus, and increased depth and imaging in the soundstage."
"The difference with the Teleportation Tweak was immediate in our system. Bass improved notably and the vocals are smoother. That's what we heard so far on 2 recordings. On the video side, both color saturation and soundfield depth improved. The difference here was quite remarkable actually. The video improvement was even more noticeable than the audio. A lot of textures appeared that were not evident before ... especially with different types of clothing (silk shine vs cotton for example). Many thanks for this tweak. As always, it's a pleasure dealing with you and using your products." - September 2008
"Whooow! Big impact from the telephone call...my front Loreleis "disappeared" and the sound came out of 3-D space - very impressive, Geoff."
"Thanks Geoff for the Teleportation Tweak. Music has better stereo, finer background detail and the sound is cleaner and better defined. The LCD TV (in another room) now has amazingly bright colours. Don't really understand how it works. It just works. Very impressed." - Australia, June 2008
"Geoff...I did all land line phones in my home (5) ... I noticed immediate improvements to music and video as follows:
1. Music (Marantz CD-17 CD Player/Rotel Sovereign Preamp/Muse 160 Power Amps [each amp driving one panel & sub of]/ Audio Artistry Dvorák's with MIT and Tributary cables and (2) Richard Gray Power Stations) - What I noticed was immediate relaxation and noticeable absence of high frequency hash and strident notes as well as a more focused sound stage. Just overall so much easier to listen to!
2. Video (Marantz VP-12S1 ceiling-mounted Projector/84" Da-Lite Screen on all-black wall) and audio via the above plus a Marantz DV-18mkII DVD Player and SR-8200 AV receiver w/ PSB Alpha speakers as my surrounds) - while I did not do a video A/B comparison (which I did do on the Music side above) I am positive I see better color balance and some standard DVD's looking almost like my HDTV channels from Time Warner Cable! But the thing that really grabbed me was the fact that as I watched my favorite episodes of 'Firefly' (all recorded in HDTV on my HD-DVR from HDNet), the dialogs that I had difficulty understanding in the past were much clearer and more intelligible. I could actually pick up and understand almost all of the background comments made by other cast members relevant to the story that I could never clearly understand before!
I think I will try the Intelligent Chip next as Tom Hoffman at Advanced Audio has advised me, "it really works!!!" - Peter J." - May 2008
Watched Hitchcock's 1956 "The Man Who Knew Too Much" last night with some friends here. Never has the picture looked so good- really just astonishingly clear and vivid ("vivid" is hard to do with LCD, except maybe a pricey Samsung), yet smooth and watchable. When asked two of our guests they said the same thing -- about as real as can be. The only tweak I've done was the Teleportation Tweak. Is it treating me or the system?" - March 2008
"The audio was less congested and things flowed more smoothly and naturally. The video was more surprising -- I don't usually notice anything with video but I did see a better image last night. I have been doing another tweak lately and had to get that out of my system to see if the TT benefits were still present...they were. Most things that improve the video usually only make the whites whiter and blacks blacker; the Teleportation Tweak seemed to do that, too, but also made the DVD picture look more film-like - glossier and more solid and filled-in." - Minnesota, March 2008
"I played a number of CDs that I'm very familiar with on my Accuphase player and heard across-the-board improvements on all of them. Made them a lot more interesting to listen to. You're either a voodoo witch doctor or a genius." - January 2008
"Hi Geoff, You certainly have an unusual job. Tweaking people's minds as well as their systems. I promised to write and relay my experience of the Teleportation Tweak. I spent a half hour listening before I called you today, and focused on the first few minutes of a Willie and Lobo song with lots of percussion instruments like cymbals, tinkling bells, rattles and the like. Then we had our brief phone conversation and you did the tweak. Upon returning to my headphone system (I listen exclusively on headphones for the sake of domestic bliss) I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was much more detail and resolution to the sound. As a result the various percussion instruments sounded more lifelike and real. In fact they sounded more like musical instruments and less like interesting noises.
I went back for another longer listening session this evening to see if the effects would still be there and they definitely were. The increased lifelike quality to the music extends to all instruments and to human voices. You may have saved me $600 as I was thinking of upgrading my "Monica" NOS DAC as I felt it was too congested on busy complicated music, and would sometimes distort on louder passages, but now I am not so sure I need a new DAC. I could hear just a little of that same congestion as before but not anywhere near as much, and the distortion at higher volumes or louder passages seems to be gone." - December 2007
"Another logic defying tweak from Geoff. In fact, he has outdone himself with this recent invention. The man is truly gifted...a genius who is also humble! I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Geoff. " - December 2007
"Geoff's Teleportation Tweak is amazing! A not-so-subtle improvement in sound. Highly recommended." - November 2007
Geoff, I just called a few minutes ago. The Teleportation Tweak resulted in improved realism and clarity - esp. noticeable with vocals. Very interesting." - Melbourne, Australia, November, 2007
"Much better resolution and sweeter sound with better imaging. The real surprise, however, was my computer in another room -- picture quality and sound greatly improved." - October 2007
"Just had the second Teleportation treatment done, on the land-line phone this time. There's much I don't understand about the universe but the Teleportation Tweak is definitely one thing I've experienced but can't explain. I have come to realize the inexplicable is not false by definition and my inability to explain something has nothing to do with the truth of the experience. After the second treatment, it's as if a wool cap I'd been wearing was removed and my perception of the subtle nuances of sound and music was finely attuned - somewhat like moving from the bar at the Vanguard to a front center table. The emotion and intention of the performer is right there out in the open - revealing itself in the space of my living room." - September 2007
"I called earlier to have the Teleportation Tweak done. I'm at a loss for words - there is such an ease and purity to the sound. This is extremely remarkable since I have a very high-end system with Avantgarde Trios and a 4-chassis Canary Audio preamp hooked into 300B Canary Audio amps; everything is connected by Virtual Dynamics cabling in a large 18x30 ft room with a 9 ft to 18 ft sloping ceiling. My expectation wasn't very high since the rig sounded great already; I'm having a little difficulty putting the Teleportation Tweak into words, but it has both power and subtlety." - September 2007
"After having the Teleportation Tweak done on my two home phones & cell phone, I noted a vast improvement in depth and staging. The tone is pure, correct-sounding & natural. In fact, I have never heard sound so real. Also of importance to me as a video hobbyist, the picture on my brand new Pioneer 950 Plasma HDTV is now Super HDTV. While the Pioneer 950 is known for its great blacks, I have never seen blacks or colors like
this come from any plasma. The Teleportation Tweak is a thing of indescribable beauty, highly recommended." - September 2007
"The Teleportation Tweak is simply amazing! I immediately noticed a difference in the size of the soundstage and it just got better and better as I continued to listen. Everything is now a lot smoother and ultimately much more pleasant to listen to." - August 2007
"Amazing!! Very pleased with results." - August 2007
"May I say I have never experienced anything like that in my life? Amazing, you're a genius." - August 2007
"As described. Unbelievable but true." - Netherlands, August 2007
"The Teleportation Tweak provided increased detail as well as bass and treble frequency extension. There is a most welcome reduction in edginess - "screechy treble" - that had previously afflicted some recordings. Not only does music sound better, but audience noises - the sound of people clapping, for example - are more natural." - August 2007
"The Teleportation Tweak is Great!! The overall sound is a lot more life-like, plus the picture of my HD projection system is sharper, colors are more natural and contrast is better." - August 2007
"One of the most interesting tweaks to date from Machina Dynamica. The Little Clocks blew me away...but this one takes it to the next level." - July 2007
"The Teleportation Tweak definitely made a difference. While my initial reaction was that the improvement was somewhat more than subtle, I now concur with another customer's observation that the tweak appears to have a 'burn-in' time...it is improving by the hour!!" - July 2007
"Both systems in my Hi End Audio store were noticeably improved. Details to follow."- New Jersey, July 2007
(After receiving Teleportation Tweak via additional phones in the house) -- "Very strange, this time the difference was even more profound! This time I immediately noticed a clearer, more direct sound that is a bit brighter and has more presence now. At the same time, the soundstage has further expanded in all dimensions, especially height. The sound is now a bit like the difference between a good RCA Living Stereo record and a good Mercury Living Presence. BTW my friend Gunnar from Germany who already received the Teleportation Tweak told me he thinks there is a sort of break-in involved - he reports the sound was getting even better with some more time. Anyone else report the same? Thank you very much again." - Belgium, July 2007
"The first thing I noticed was a slight reduction in apparent volume and a softer, more laid-back presentation. After turning up the volume to the same subjective level as before, the softness remained but the directness came back. The highs were smoother, the soundstage was deeper, and everything was more "relaxed" sounding. The more I listened to my system the more I liked what I heard. When my wife came home she observed, "This sounds pure," without knowing what had been done to the system. Overall, I would describe the effects of the Teleportation Tweak as smoother highs, more air around the instruments, better microdynamics and less distortion." - Belgium, July 2007
"Just wanted to let you know right away before I send a full report -- it sounds like I've got new speakers!!" - New Jersey, July 2007
"I actually had the teleportation tweak performed over both of my cordless home phones, with great results. I haven't a clue what's going on here, but the effect is quite huge and powerful, producing the most natural and life-like rendition of a piano I have ever heard ... except for maybe a... real piano. ~ Fantastic! ~" - New Jersey, July 2007
"I turned my system on early this morning, so it had 6 hours to warm up before the Teleportation Tweak. Now, just after the tweak, I'm playing some things I'm intimately familiar with, and everything is much better! Voices are clearer, especially in the lower midrange, and more realistic sounding. The bass is better as well as the treble; cymbol strikes are cleaner and smoother with more information, and ambient information in the recordings has appeared out of nowhere. All these improvements are not at all reminiscent of cables changes, for example, when the improvements can often be frequency dependent. These improvements with the Teleportation Tweak are across the board! My wife heard them too." - Arizona, June 2007
"Hallo Geoff Kait, this tweak is really amazing! I have no idea how it works, but it works! My high resolution equipment, which is highly tuned and working fantastically, broke new ground. My Kharma loudspeakers are singing like never before. Everything is faster, with more open stage, more music, less analytical. This tweak is even stronger than the two "Clever Little Clocks" I own! Please tell me: How does it work? What is happening?!!" - Germany, June 2007
"My first reaction is that the soundstage is a lot more "integrated" and "present" and the upper frequencies are considerably sweeter. Addendum: What I get after receiving the tweak for both phones is great immediacy to the soundstage, a cleaner top end, and great bass. The strength of my system has always been a very realistic soundstage, but this Teleportation Tweak has taken me even further in that direction. I've listened to many of my CDs and records in the last few days and find them quite different from how they used to sound. I am beginning to think I understated the benefits of this tweak initially." - Texas, June 2007
"Dynamics and microdynamics were more pronounced...notes from a piano were less congested and I could hear the details of the mechanical striking of the keys. The stage was deeper and wider with less noise and distortion. The sound reminded me a lot of when I auditioned the Memory Player here recently. I also was very impressed with the improvement to my HDTV video picture - much better color, contrast and resolution; right now I can clearly see the threads in the Navy blue suit worn by Jon Stewart's guest and the transparency and depth of the acrylic guest desk on the Daily Show." - Florida, June 2007