Tru Tone Duplex Covers
Customer Comments

New!! .
"I was skeptical at first - but they worked! Thanks for the painless "tweek"!" - Aug 2008
"I had really good results with two Tru-Tone Covers, presence and solidity being the primary attributes I am hearing." May 2008
"I did have the opportunity to try two MD outlet covers. Snake oil they're not. They do change the sound of your system and I suspect it depends on what your system lacks or doesn't lack. In my system they brought out the midrange and highs more, while the bass was still detailed and articulate but with not as much boom." February 2008
"I tried the Duplex Covers with good results for wall outlets located on the side walls, but "night and day" results were obtained when a Tru Tone Duplex Cover was placed on the unused outlet located on the wall behind and between the speakers." - Frank, January 2008
"Unbelievable dynamics!" - Russ, April 2007
"I can't believe these things actually improved the overall sound as much as they did. Is it resonance control that's lowering the noise floor? I hear greater detail in quiet passages and better front to back image definition. Very impressive!" - Glenn, Dec 2006
"Covers arrived yesterday and I put one in right away. The contrasts between different colors definitely improved in my system. Soundstage images also became more stable. A very noticeable improvement so far. Thanks for the product and the tips on how to install it. I'm sure we'll be doing business again." - Remy, Nov 2006
"The very best sound was obtained when I slightly loosened the screws on the Duplex Covers. And they sound great!!...definitely a more three dimensional placement of performers and more of the soundstage image seems to reside behind the wall. Rather than describe the many sonic attributes of the Tru-Tone Covers, suffice it to say this is without question the best sound yet in this listening room." - Joel, October 2006
"I noticed a nice improvement with four Duplex Covers in the room vs. only two." - S. Mengel, Oct. 2006
"The outlet covers improved audio and video as well." - Monica, July 2006
"More than a little skeptical, I fitted a Tru-Tone Cover to my second system which runs off a $300 PureAV line conditioner. The improvements are simply hard to believe or rationalize - much more space around the instruments and better imaging of the vocalists. Many Thanks." - Ian, July 2006
"The Tru-Tone Covers work big time!!" - Tom, June 2006