Codename Turquoise Customer Comments

NEW!! "I just installed the Codename Turquoise for my top-loader and I am getting a tremendously large soundstage. I am hearing localization of instruments and voices, including from left corner of ceiling and the singer's voice is located another 2 feet higher than what I had before. Using a Chesky CD, for the first time ever I am hearing sound from way off-stage left and off-stage right. Incredible! Beautiful, beautiful music." - Feb 2010
NEW!! "Dear Geoff! I don't know if you are a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist or...? But let me tell you, Codename Turquoise is better than steak! OMG! I just sat there, paralyzed, and then the goose-bumps, and I just listened, and listened and listened. And then I couldn't wait any longer...I had to get up and send an email to just say thanks for such an incredible product! Yes indeed, the improvement IS huge!! Thanks a bunch, Geoff. - Sincerely, Bruce Larson" - Feb 2009
"The effect of this is not the least bit subtle...every note from every instrument (human or manufactured) is more natural...on every disc." - July 2008
from Audio Asylum review of Codename Turquoise: "Despite all the stuff I've bought in my 40 years as an audio hobbyist, I think this might be the first review I've written on Audio Asylum. What this product did for my system motivated me to write a review.
I recently won an Audiogon auction for the Machina Dynamica Code Turquoise CD player treatment. Codename Turquoise reminded me of the Audio Prism Green Light tweak I used on my CDs back in the late 80s. The premise was that the Green Light would trap the refracted light from the laser before it got back top the pick-up assembly. Codename Turquoise is a thick paper whose color is very similar to the Green Light. It arrives basically cut to fit the CD's tray.
My all-time favorite CD and main test CD is John McLaughlin Trio, Live at Royal Festival Hall. This disc is a sonic marvel and with Trilok Gurtu and Kai Eckhart- a phenomenal group of performers. I've listened to this disc literally hundreds of times so I know what to expect from every second of the music. With the Codename Turquoise installed, I almost thought I was listening to a different recording of the same venue. The already excellent ambience of the recording was clearly enhanced in that the space took on a more 3-dimensional aspect and seemingly greater dynamic range. Trailing note decay was greatly enhanced as well as were minor timbral changes. Anyone who has listened to John McLaughlin knows how quickly he can play. Individual notes also become more distinct making the prior sound to be somewhat blurred and smeared. Bass tonality was also improved.
So, how do I rate the sonic improvement Codename Turquoise offered? I guess the best way is to compare it to other tweaks and their respective costs. Codename Turquoise's sonic improvements far exceeded the improvement from adding shorting plugs to my amp's inputs and CD players digital output (cost $55). It also exceeded the improvement offered by 2 Shakti Stones and 1 Pair of Shakti On-Lines (cost $500). Codename Turquoise also exceeded tourmaline crystals in various places (cost $100). So what did the improvement rival? Based on my listening, the CT offered a sonic improvement of a magnitude that equaled the impact of adding an Acrolink P4060/Oyaide 004 plugs ($430) to my amp.
While $60 for a piece of green paper might seem high, the sonic improvement offered by Codename Turquoise makes it a no-brainer. Everyone needs-to-have-this tweak. It is clearly the best, least expensive tweak I've used in the last 30+ years. My congrats to Geoff Kait at Machina Dynamica." - June 2008
"Codename Turquoise had an effect on my CDP that rivaled the sonic improvement when I added a $400 power cord." - June 2008
"Imagine driving a high performance car with a V6 turbo (like my Saab which had 250+ hp), then replacing the motor with a potent American V-8 that has a ton of low end torque. That is how I would describe the improvement Codename Turquoise makes in my Raysonic player." - June 2008
"Geoff provides excellent service and fascinating products. I am truly amazed by the great overall improvement that CodeName Turquoise makes in my CD playback. I highly recommend this product and Geoff Kait." - April 2008
"The results (using DVDs as source material): Increased contrast, deeper black level, sharper images. My wife walked by as I was watching a movie and said, "really clear," then went about doing her chores. I used the new Criterion release of "Two-lane Blacktop," (intentionally shot slightly grainy), the remastered "To Catch a Thief," and the wonderful Sergio Leone film "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." The contrast and detail were so high I had to decrease the adjustment levels. The picture quality was noticeably more punchy, richer, and clearer, yet more natural. I briefly listened to Sarah Chang's "Fire and Ice" CD; her string tone was richer and more vibrant than before." - February 2008
"Geoff, I am completely flabbergasted at the huge improvement had by applying this product to my CD drawer. I must admit I feared I spent $39 just for some expensive colored paper. Well, I was dead wrong! My Meridian G07 just came to life as never before. Normally, it is a somewhat laid back player. Not anymore. The music is so very much more alive, with detail now more up there with the rest of the music, making for a powerful and dynamic listening experience. I also feared that cutting the paper to fit would be a difficult job. Wrong again! I just had to experiment with laying the pieces on the tray in various ways then I knew what to do. Thanks so much for this incredible improvement! If I hadn't heard it myself I'd have thought it impossible. I've long known stray laser light was a problem but never did I imagine that so much comes off the cd tray. Feel free to post my comments if you want. You can even post my Audiogon name, Jay_c for reference." - Most Sincerely, Jay, January 2008
"The improvement is big to huge." - December 2007
"Geoff, I finally had the opportunity to do some extended listening at "real-life" levels this evening with Codename Turquoise in place, and put on the Bob James/Earl Klugh (redbook CD), "Cool." The listening experience was, in a word, remarkable!! I was truly amazed at the transformation this unassuming, $39 treatment brought to my modest system comprised of the RAM-modded Samsung HD-841, Denon AVR-1905 receiver, Mission M-series HT speakers, MAC cables and Dakiom Feedback Stabilizers. Without a doubt in my mind, Codename Turquoise is--hands down--the most cost-effective tweak I've ever used. Codename Turquoise brought a level of performance out of this gear I never thought possible.
With Codename Turquoise, the music leaps out into the room with a freshness, vibrancy and realism I'd never experienced before. The presentation is lively, dynamic, airy, spacious and dimensional. I turned off the lights and it was as if the walls came down and I was immersed in a living, breathing performance.
The bass on this album (a real challenge to any system) was the most deep, articulate, punchy, detailed and controlled that I've ever heard. Cymbals strikes were crisp, clean, detailed, simply brilliant, with shimmer, sparkle, "reach," just the right amount of overhang/decay. Analog-like, yes!! Klugh's guitar and James' piano sounded real, resonant, supremely poised and focused throughout the entire album. I was tempted to say, "I can't believe it!" but I was there and this really was happening. In short, Codename Turquoise simply unleashes the music in a way that is amazing and needs to be heard to be believed and appreciated." - September 2007
From an Internet audio web site: "Anyone else had any experience with this DVD/CD player drawer treatment/tweak. I tried it and was absolutely amazed with the results. Biggest bang for the least bucks tweak I've ever tried!" Sept 2007
"Codename Turquoise turned my $200.00 CD player into a $10,000 CD player. SIMPLY INCREDIBLE." - August 2007
"Codename Turquoise IS GREAT! - CDs and SACDs sound much more analog-like." - July 2007
"If you think the Turquoise Masking Kit is snake oil, you'd be DEAD WRONG. These simple looking pieces of paper resurrected an old Denon 3520 CD player that wouldn't play a single disc without skipping! If you're having this problem, BUY THIS PRODUCT!" - May 2007
"Worth its weight in gold." - May 2007
"Codename Turquoise made my Marantz DV-7600 DVD Player sound better and the picture is more solid with greater detail/color. Thanks so much!" - April 2007
"Codename Turquoise is an awesome product! The improvement on our GNS moddified RA Opus 21 player is NOT subtle! Highly Recommended!! Thanks, Geoff!"- Ridge Street Audio, April 2007
"I've really been enjoying your new product. As a faithful user of the Audioprism green pen in the past, I was pretty sure Codename Turquoise would prove to be effective. However, the improvements have exceeded all my expectations. A great product, highly recommended!!" - March 2007
"CodeName Turquoise works way beyond any of my expectations... loads of detail and complex harmonics are revealed, even from really gratingly poor CDs, and you really can hear the dialog on DVD's a whole lot easier." - Feb 2007
"Yesterday I received Machina Dynamica's Turquoise CD Tray Masking Kit and used it on my Electrocompaniet EMC 124/192. This tweak really works, the sound is more extended on top and so much more extended and harmonically pure on the low end." - Feb 2007
"I was skeptical if these bits of colored paper were worth the price and could actually do anything. Wow!! -- it's like somebody turned up the "Clarity Knob" a couple of notches! Everything is clearer, faster, and background vocals just pop right out!! Drums are tighter and deeper." - Jan 2007
"Codename Turquoise has given me the biggest gain in system resolution of anything...EVER." - Jan 2007
"With the Turquoise CD Tray Masking Kit I hear superior detail retrieval and dynamic contrasts. Also, clearer, non-smeared, more forceful and deeper bass. CDP analog out now sounds surprisingly close to the very expensive Genesis Digital Lens with outboard DAC." - Jan 2007
"Hi, Geoff - I installed Codename Turquoise and proceeded to watch two test DVD movies -- Sahara and Mission Impossible 3. Both movies have amazing video and bombastic sound - dynamic and detailed. I frequently use MI3 for testing, not only for its great dynamics but because this disc has two excellent scenes for judging ambience and detail -- the first is the scene when Cruise talks to his girlfriend on the roof at nighttime. The Turquoise CD Tray treatment brought out SO much more from the soundtrack -- what used to be a relatively quiet scene came alive with all the sounds of the city at night!!
The other test scene from MI3 is inside IMF - After installing Codename Turquoise, I was flooded with the background office noises, phone calls and people chattering....really quite amazing!! Same thing for SAHARA -- all the heretofore unheard little details popped out of the soundtrack on this disc -- GREAT!!!!!" - Tom, Jan 2007
"Geoff, I can describe the effect in one word - 'WOW!!'" - Al, Jan 2007