Brilliant Pebbles Customer Comments

Large Size Brilliant Pebbles in Ziplock Plastic Wrapper
NEW!! "Mikros can be used in many places effectively - on source components, amps, power supplies, Blu-tacked to HDTVs. Clear and detailed sounding, on video emphasizes a cool brightness and unhyped focus." - April 2008
NEW!! "I now have the Tru-Tone covers, one set of Micro Pebbles on the interconnects connecting my main channels from the preamp to the amp, Codename Turquoise in my CD Player, a large Pebbles in a corner behind a main speaker, a Clever Little Clock between and behind the main speakers, and the Teleportation Tweak. These additions to my system have transformed the
sound in a manner that's difficult to explain but I'll try. The first thing I notice is an absolute jet black background that the music seems to float out of. I always thought my system was quiet before but now its jaw-dropping! The sound is much more analog and organic with an ease that's intoxicating. Instrument separation is now much more apparent with mind blowing musical detail, creating a huge soundstage that seems to exceed the physical constraints of the room." - March 2008
NEW!! "Brilliant Pebbles have made a bigger improvement in sound quality than the last $1000.00 interconnect cables I purchased. Thanks!" - January 2008
"Incidentally, I've tried the Mikro pebbles in many different places: -- on top of CD transport, volume pot and speaker cables However, the greatest improvement to sound quality came when I taped Mikros on each end of my digital coax cable running from the XM tuner to the tube DAC. I didn't expect a great difference since the cable is of very high quality (Audio Metalurgy GA-0), but it sounded like someone flipped a switch
and everything came into perfect phase." - January 2008
"Immediate improvement upon taping the baggie of Mini pebbles to the window. Will be getting another Mini. Recommended." - December 2007
"Mikro pebbles are GREAT!!" - August 2007
"I was only a little skeptical of the Clever Little Clock and Brilliant Pebbles, having experienced the remarkable performance of your Promethean isolation stand. So I had enough confidence to give them a try. The items (one Clever Little Clock, Cable Kit (4 Mikro bottles) and one XL bottle) are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! They transformed our reference system!! Quantum leaps forward! A number of system shortcomings we had written off as room-related have been completely eliminated! the boominess in the bass is entirely gone, in addition bass response is much deeper... the entire audible spectrum is far "cleaner" and clearer -- haze and sibilance we weren't previously aware of has been removed, giving the sound the illusion of realism. NOTHING in my experience compares to the improvements your products make. Before your products, this reference system was more than revealing enough to allow virtually every design change we make in our products audible. I believe that THAT ability of the system has now been enhanced at least a full order of magnitude." - Brad, Revelation Audio Labs, July 2007
"I've got full confidence in you and your products. Next to Paul Speltz Anti-cables (you really should try them) - the best cables I've heard in 25 years in this hobby - your tweaks are really THE BEST!...I don't necessarily understand how they work, but I hear the difference they make." - May 2007
"Forgot to mention that I'm really surprised with these XL bottles. Not only do they add details/resolution like the Large size, they also add (in my system) a fair dose of additional "air" and additional details...Oh my, now I will have to replace 2 existing Large bottles in the corners with XL...poor me." - May 2007
"I received the Cable Kit (set of 4 Mikro's) on Saturday, thanks you for the very quick response. I applied the Mikros Saturday night, then did some A-B listening and could not believe what I was hearing!! I had to get my wife to listen and verify that I was not falling prey to "wishful improvement syndrome." Truly amazing!" - March 2007
"I started out with the Clever Lil Clocks.
I can't tell you how silly I felt trying to explain the clocks to my wife. The clocks tightened the focus, so much so that I had to leave them in the system altho I could have returned them. Later I bought some Large pebbles. These, along with the clocks, improved the bass definition. So, I bought some X Large Pebbles, and some Mini and Mikro, too. I know it sounds like the guy who is buying moon rocks, but each and every time I put more pebbles into the system it improved the sound. These items improved the tightness, clairity, soundstage, bass response, all the good things in Audio. And you can adjust the effect just by moving them around the room." - Feb 2007
"Placed a Mini on the armboard of my turntable with excellent results!!!!" - Nov 2006
"On my Exemplar DAC using a table made w/ three stacked 4x4" ceramic tiles atop three cones to support the Large BP, I got a dramatic expansion of the width and depth of the soundstage. On the H-Cat phono stage, I got a more modest improvement. However, a single Large BP on my turntable had dramatic benefits in terms of width and depth of the soundstage and in the quiet surrounding the music. The bottom line is that the BPs work in many circumstances and that magnitude of the improvement, in the best circumstances, is the equivalent to substituting the best interconnects for very poor ones. Of the many tweaks I've tried, the Pebbles are now in third place behind the Halcyonics isolation stand and IsoClean power filter. My strong advice is to try the BPs." - Nov 2006
"By the way, I just placed additional Large BPs in your recommended locations in front and to the outside of each speaker -- these locations created startling three dimensional and solid images and revealed harmonic overtones, providing an even more impressive sense of reality and emotional connection to performers, especially singers. The benefits of these new locations are so much more noticeable and intense as to be quite unbelievable, considering the previous benefits of the Clever Little Clock and the other BPs of various sizes." - Nov 2006
"Mini pebbles work great on speakers!" - Nov 2006
"Since yesterday I decided to put my Large Brilliant Pebbles on my amp and line stage. They had previously been in the corners of my room and largely forgotten. Not only was I shocked at the improvement with the bottles on the amp and line stage, but I found that where they were positioned mattered greatly. I have to say that previous to Brilliant Pebbles I was using a Acapella Big Block damper ($1100) on top of the amp, the Big Block being the best of the myriad dampening devices I had tried up to now." - Norm, Oct 2006
"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...Earlier today I rearranged things so that my Quantum ElectroClear line stabilizer is closer to my system. I took the Mikro "pebbles" off the top of the ElectroClear and put the bottle in my pocket, then spent about an hour listening to music. I had finished listening to a CD the second time through when I suddenly realized that pebbles were still in my pocket. So I put the bottle back on top of the ElectroClear and WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!!!!!!! I ALMOST FELT LIKE ALICE IN WONDERLAND!!!!!!! THE SYSTEM JUST SOUNDED SO AMAZINGLY NEW AND ORGANIC AND CORRECT!! IT'S DIFFICULT TO EVEN PUT IT INTO WORDS BUT THE SOUND IS NOW VERY TACTILE AND IS FELT AS MUCH AS HEARD -- WOW!!!! AND THE SOUNDSTAGE -- IT'S AS IF MY LISTENING ROOM HAS GROWN ENORMOUS IN SIZE.....THANKS! THANKS! THANKS!" -- Thomas, Feb 2006
Next up, the Magic Pebbles. Per Geoff's suggestion to experiment with location, I first tried the 2 Large bottles in the rear corners of my room. Nada. Then I tried them in the front corners, next to my tube traps. Mas nada. Then I moved them to 3 feet behind my speakers. Bingo! -- bass response improved across the board, becoming more "powerful" and apparently quicker and richer. To test what I was hearing, my wife and I simultaneously picked both bottles up off the carpeted floor. As soon as we did, the bass lightened up considerably. Putting the bottles back in position restored that wonderful weight and quickness in the bass. I know this is REALLY hard to believe, but I know what I heard. Like that of the Clock, the effect of the Pebbles was repeatable. My system has taken a very nice step foward with the addition of the Clever Little Clocks and Magic Pebbles. Color me a believer." -- Quint, Nov 2005
I purchased a 6-bottle suite of Machina Dynamica's Brilliant Pebbles that gave quite audible improvements to my tubed amp & DAC and CD transport in a nearfield listening setup. More clarity, detail, texture, deep bass pitch definition and a lot less digital glare." Sept 2005
"ELS are noted for their ability to provide greater rendition of the subtleties of music. In particular, they're great for vocals. What I am noticing now with Brilliant Pebbles is an increased emphasis on the other musical elements. It's not that I didn't know they were there, just that they weren't emphasized. I found I get fairly good response from the pebbles placing them in near the room corner off the floor about 18 inches. One Bottle sits on a Gallo Subwoofer, the other is on a small wooden table near the other speaker. Interestingly, vocals have diminished in intensity slightly while other parts of the musical stage have increased in intensity -- I like this presentation a lot! What I'm also noticing I can only describe as additional harmonics and textures in vocals that appear to be closer to real performances. Since my ELS are toed-in toward the listening room, I have the BPs sitting in a reflection area derived from the sound radiation from the back panels. I think I'll purchase a sound pressure meter to look for other pebbles placements." - Al Martin, Texas, Sept 2005
"I placed one "Mikro" size bottle on a Quantum Symphony Pro tonight
and was astounded that such a small bottle could improve upon the sound of the Large bottles (which are on top of my PSB Stratus Mini speakers). I listened to two live recordings and was astonished how easy it is to hear ambience cues. The soundstage was wider AND taller. And now the speakers actually do seem to play louder and softer, depending on the signal; I had not heard that from my system before. Now, It's quite difficult to turn the system off." - Mike Gallaro, August 2005
"Just wanted to let you know I received the two Large
Brilliant Pebbles Saturday afternoon. I immediately unpacked them and placed them
in the rear corners of my listening room, behind the listener position. I warmed up the system for a couple of hours, then listened to some CDs I had listened to the night before. It was clear from the outset that the BPs enhanced the male and female voice and produced more fleshed-out bass without loss of speed; stringed instruments, especially guitar, were produced with a sheen and a quieter background, quite unexpectedly. I was extremely happy with the results! An Audiophile for over thirty years, I was inclined to remove the BPs from the room and replay the same discs. No good! -- I already missed the BPs. When my lovely wife called me for dinner, I placed the Pebbles in the front corners (behind the speakers) and went upstairs. When I returned to the listening room two hours later and played the same discs with the BPs in their new locations, to say I was stunned by the sound would be an understatement!! Everything I'd heard with the BPs in the rear corners was increased ten fold! The BPs are the best tweak to come along since sliced bread. Who'd have thought that pebbles in a small bottle would have such a positive effect on a high end system? My system: Krell amp, Classe two box pre, DCS upsampler, Levinson Dac, Accustic Arts transport, Eggleston speakers, Exact Powers and Hydra conditioners, Jena Labs cabling, Bybee filters all over the place and Clearaudio Magix vibration footers under all components. All I can say is, Bravo! -- a tweak that really works and is inexpensive to boot!" - Rich Lerner, July 2005
"A brief progress report: The upper corners behind my listening position work!!! I'm amazed at the difference. And I thought my system was pretty tweaked and tuned, etc. The BPs seem to affect the entire musical spectrum---from the lows to the highs. The soundstage seems much better defined, similar to the effect I experienced when I installed Aurios in my system. The BPs have even more impact -- each individual instrument/performer seems to have taken on a greater presence and vibrancy as well as being better defined. It seems kinda strange -- the individual seems to be larger or fuller or have greater presence, but not at the expense of the others performers - at the same time the soundstage is better defined and less congested." - Ray Lou, June 2005
"I'm one of those rare audio enthusiasts who's come to a point where I'm happy with my electronics, my speakers, cables... just about everything. However, the quest for improvement never really ends, so I've been exploring the world of tweaks, looking for things that make a difference. I had seen Brilliant Pebbles for sale on AudiogoN a number of times, but had dismissed the concept as absurd. Then I found out Geoff lives nearby and that he would come over and help determine the proper placement for the bottles. We began by putting two large Brilliant Pebbles (by the way, much smaller than I'd imagined!) in the rear corners, where they usually have a large effect. No effect. Then he set one bottle on the floor in the right front room corner. Instantly, right in the middle of listening to a Modern Jazz Quartet recording, I heard the bass tighten up and the piano notes become much more distinct!! Which is very Interesting because when I used a sound level meter to work out the best placement and adjustments for my subwoofer, that same right/front corner was where I found the highest sound pressure level. With more experimentation, we found another spot on the armboard of the VPI turntable that produced a similar, though perhaps less vivid, improvement. When I take the Brilliant Pebbles out of the system now, then put them back in, the difference is clearly audible. If you are a total skeptic like I was that a 'little jar of rocks' can improve the sound of a high-end audio system, I suggest you open your mind to the possibility this tweak actually works. Hearing is believing!" - Bob, Arlington, VA, Jan 2005
"Brillant Pebbles and "Mini" pebbles are fantastic!! Thanks for furthering the value to make audio more precious to each one of us who enjoy this hobby. " - Gordon Granik, Canada, 2004
"From my limited experience with the crystals it appears to me in my system that they work anywhere, whether placed on the amplifier, preamp, CD player, DAC or even on the top of power conditioners - the same way. Best at improving imaging and dynamics...enjoyable when placed in the rear corners, enjoyable anywhere."
- V.R. Sola, 2004
"I cannot listen to my system any more without the pebbles." - Hans-Peter, Switzerland, 2004
Hi-Fi News Show, London, Sept 2003 -- Audiopax/Ecosse/Meitner exhibit coordinator (Precious Music, Scotland): "Now, if I say that dozens of people said we had the best sound at show, many other said we had the best sound they had ever heard, many dealers, competitors and reviewers came round to check out the room and in particular the Audiopax Amp and Meitner dac...well you can imagine we felt pretty pleased with our efforts." (4 Brilliant Pebbles were used in this room -- one on each Audiopax speaker and two in room corners.)
"Actually, I have quite a collection of room tweaks... five Tube Traps of mixed sizes; a pair of Michael Green Pressure Zone Controllers mounted on the ceiling in the corners; three RoomTunes; four 2' x 4' x 4" home-built flat panels ...placed at the points of "first reflection." ....This room tweaking of electronic hardware and of the room itself has for me become a fascinating "frontier" and quite a lot of fun. The Brilliant Pebbles are, unto themselves, the most fascinating tweak. BTW, I put one Brilliant Pebbles on top of my mid-fi home theater receiver in my modest HT system. Understand, this is a 2-yr old Denon receiver of no particular note. But with the BP placed on the chassis above the transformer, the difference was striking. Significantly greater clarity, tighter bass, and the listener fatigue pretty much eliminated." -- Gary Shufelt, 2004
"I have installed Brilliant Pebbles on several pairs of my 845 based reference vacuum tube amplifiers, with consistently positive results. The amplifiers better drive the loudspeakers, portraying a more lifelike sound with much less grain, with greater dynamic range and musical precision. I have also installed Brilliant Pebbles in my personal listening studio, in four corners. The results again are consistently positive. The sound in the room is more open, more detailed and more on pace with the rhythm of the music. I removed the bottles from the corners on three occasions and noticed a collapse in the boundary of the room and a reduction in the over-all system performance. Needless to say, they went right back in! I highly recommend this product and I also think it is a superb value." -- Bruce Wenger, BWS Consulting (BWS-tube.com), audio electronics design, 2003
"After some experimentation...I tried them in the rear corners of my room behind the speakers and liked them very, very much. They appear to affect the entire presentation in these locations -- providing more clarity, detail and, for lack of a better term, "naturalness" that is quite appealing. Soundstaging and "image density" is improved; treble is more extended and the bass has more snap and fullness to it. Micro- and macro-dynamics are enhanced. I already had the corners treated with Roomtune strips and corner tunes and use Argent Room lenses in the system. How do the pebbles work??? -- I'm intrigued, to say the least. I've been "Machina Dynamica-ized" for the second time." -- Jim O'Neill, O'Neill Medical, 2003
"The most unexpected result came when I also put one BP on each attached stabilizing base behind my Nearfield Acoustics Performance Series 924 loudspeakers (6 ft tall). Each speaker has 9 (nine) 5" midrange drivers, 18 (eighteen) 1-inch silk dome tweeters, and are designed so that the individual drivers' movements are minimal! The presentation became extraordinarily relaxed, rounded, yet with gobs of inner detail, allowing us to enjoy the music from a female vocalist. High praise, indeed." -- Robert Hart, 2003, Audio Tweakers, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale
"I put the bottles on the output transformers of pair of monoblocks that use the 845 tube to very good effect." -- Vince C., 2003
"Just now I was playing a favorite CD of mine, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' "The Boatman's Call." It's a challenging recording to get right because of the sustained, deep, electric bass line with lots of vibrato at the low end and the extremely delicate brushes against cymbals at the high end. With the Pebbles perched on the output transformers of my amps, I'm finally hearing it all. Also, silences are DEAD silences. And, as you claim, imaging is more solid. It's no exaggeration to say that with the Pebbles in place regular CDs now sound better than SACDs did before. (I also had good results with one of the Pebbles over the output section of the SACD player.)" -- Gabriel G., PhD, 2003
"Holy crap!" -- Bill, 2003