CUSTOMER COMMENT - "Check out the Super Stiff Springs by Machina Dynamica. They are the best/lowest cost option for isolating most things. I use them myself w/my wall shelf mounted VPI Classic e Sig SE and my, floor mounted, two shelf rack that supports my amp and power conditioner.
My home was constructed in the early 50's with (real) 2x6"s. Although, at that time, there was no drying system for wood..... I have a of of issues to overcome, from unlevel floors to out-of-whack walls. I can solidly recommend the springs above as the most effective way to isolate and bring forth the best sound."
"To simply cut to the chase, the results of the Nimbus are nothing short of astounding. For those with sufficient space to accommodate the Nimbus this is certainly a no-compromise solution. During initial listening tests I found the most notable improvement when my transport was placed upon the Nimbus. It's also worth noting that careful adjustment of the air spring is certainly worth the time. Rather minor tweaks to the pressure are quite noticeable. Overall imaging was likewise improved while used in conjunction with my preamp, a Blue Circle AG3000. Given the results I can certainly justify adding a second Nimbus to fully test the cumulative effect. Unfortunately my amps exceed the recommended weight of the product. Otherwise they'd be begging for their own Nimbus! :-)" - Bradley
"I have found the Machina Dynamica Nimbus under the (new Meitner) transport yields a large improvement across the board, blacker background, a much bigger and well-defined soundstage, the palpability is really creepy. And it's really pretty cool looking and the "science" behind it can be measured, and just plain makes sense. When I installed the Nimbus and Promethean stands in my system PRaT went through the roof and a system I thought was non-fatiguing before is even better. I am using a Promethean under my DCC2 and am thinking of upgrading it to a Nirvana base (also from Machina Dynamica) which will lower the resonant freq. to 1.0 Hz. An added benefit of Nimbus is that my transport is now about 30 inches in the air and not sitting on the ground." - Tireguy, Nov 2004
"My first isolation stand was built some years ago by Mike Hobson of Classic Records using hundreds of pounds of sand and 1.5 inch bluestone slabs. Later, this extremely massive stand was upgraded to include air bladders, on top of which rested my VPI turntable. I was positive this set-up could not be improved upon. But I began to have some doubts about this after auditioning some Promethean stands that Geoff Kait of Machina Dynamica sent for my amps and PS Audio Power Regenerator. Eventually, at Geoff's urging, I decided to mount the VPI turntable directly on the floor on a special, purpose-built Promethean that employs 1.5 inch thick 36x24 polished granite plates (purchased nearby). The floor-mounted Promethean produced considerably better sound than the massive stand w/ air bladders. One thing to mention: the very heavy David Elrod Fat Man power cords in my system had to be carefully arranged to avoid exerting forces that could interfere with the Promethean. I highly recommend the Promethean - it's certainly one of the best improvements I've made. Note: My system is set up in the basement of a building in the city, with quite a bit of traffic in the area." - Lou at Times Square Records, NYC (timessquarerecords.com)
"I was speaking with Dan Wright (of Modwright) who is modding an SACD player of mine, and asked him what his experience has been; he said he has tried countless numbers of cones, etc, and the best he's ever heard was the Promethean (www.machinadynamica.com ), by a wide margin! ...it is about 8" tall and uses Super DH cones under the base, then a layer of wood, then 3 large springs, then another layer of wood, then 3 more Super DH cones (editor note: this set of cones is optional/extra). I ripped out my existing set-up (air bladder, MDF, BDR cones, mass loading) and put in the Promethean and WOW! - no A-B'ing required, this is much better! Dynamics were significantly improved, as was the texture of the music. There was also a layer of grunge removed, giving me a clearer picture of what was happening on stage. Also found that layering front to back had improved. I found myself being pulled into the music much more, particularly with some of the more difficult to reproduce music, such as Piano. I can't believe it's my same player. The improvement over what I had was remarkable, but over what I started with (nothing), it's astounding."
"I'm using my two DACs + Transport on the Promethean Base. At first I thought I had turned up the volume control of my preamp, but I didn't. The Goldmund Transport alone on the Promethean was good, but adding the DACs transformed the sound completely. These DAC units are from dCS, NEVER thought that their presentation could be improved ....The main difference now is a HUGE increase in holographic dynamics and space. The speakers can't be located now and the music is everywhere in my room, with lots of air. The soundstage is more dimensional in its layering, providing a better sense of the Real Space of the individual instruments as well as their Placement. There is a greater sense of the space around instruments and of the Bloom of each instrument. Images have more detail, Notes rendered with more vibrancy, Detail is more vital and nuances exhibit more power over the viewer. Previously I only got this from my turntable. Indeed, I am VERY impressed." Germany, June 16, 2002
"A report on my Nimbus experience. I've recently installed it in a first-rate system, involving Audio Artistry Beethoven Elite loudspeakers and Eight channels of Bel Canto eVo amplification. With the Nimbus supporting an Audio Research CD3, the soundstage is deeper, the location of instruments more precise, vocals more articulate and the bass more tuneful." - James Saxon, Costa Rica, Feb 20, 2002.
"The Nimbus is quite impressive. Really does set CD "free" to enjoy the music. Layers of electronic haze and grit eliminated. Bass and treble extension have much more "air" and are more natural sounding. Worth every penny IMO. My enjoyment of CD has been tremendously enhanced via this purchase. Thank you!!!! When funds are available, will consider a Promethean base for my Maplenoll." - Dec 1, 2001
"The Nimbus is by far the best isolation device I have found, and I have used many...sinks, bearings of any type, cones, anti-resonant stands, etc. The Nimbus provides mechanical isolation in all planes of movement. What you hear is improvement in every category. Silence, soundstage, detail, bass, highs, you name it. It's a little difficult to set up, especially when the equipment approaches its weight limit (like the EMC-1 or Sony SCD-1). I use it with an Altis CDT3, and it's a match made in heaven. It's an indispensible part of my system. I can't recommend this product enough." - June 15, 2001
"I was totally unprepared for the huge difference it would make. My G&D UTP 1 transport placed on top of the Nimbus transformed the sound of my system. (Talon Khorus, CTC BBQ amp, Wavelength Cosine V DAC with volume control, TG cabling). This is a $25,000 system (retail) and this $800 isolation table brought deeper, more defined bass, much more air around instruments and voices. More detail and just plain beautiful music. Geoff Kait is a talented designer and wonderful to deal with. I can't wait to get another one to place a turntable on!" - March 2, 2001
"My Forsell CD transport has been well-supported by Arcici Suspense Rack or Arcici Air Head base. I didn't think much improvement was possible. I was wrong. I replaced the Arcici base with a $900 Nimbus (from www.machinadynamica.com) as the support for my Forsell transport and expected any apparent differences to be very small. They weren't. The Nimbus amazed me by getting so many things better than the well-regarded Arcici racks... Clarity, openness, speed are among the areas where the Nimbus brings clear improvements." - Jan 15, 2001
"The sound is really remarkable, Geoff. You really have developed a cost effective means of getting near-perfect isolation. It's hard to single out one area of improvement because it's widespread. I notice the biggest improvement in the frequency extremes and the way backing vocals emerge with a far more natural quality: less veiled, more dynamic. The music overall has a more natural, relaxed quality. That much closer to the real thing. I keep noticing how the bass has so much more texture and tone to it. Very cool!" - (Nimbus isolating Forsell CD Transport, 52 lb - Nov 11, 2000
"A couple of weeks ago I tried an active (6 degree-of-freedom, laboratory) isolation platform (a Swiss-German design), the Halcyonics MOD-1 ($ 9,000). I found out that the Nimbus performed better. (with Wadia CD Player, Audio Research Amps and Wilson Watt speakers) - Nov. 20, 1999